Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sweet Potato Porridge

Sweet Potato Porridge is a popular meal in Taiwan and different parts of Asia and it was also my grandfather's daily breakfast.  It's usually eaten as breakfast or late night snack.  There are many shops that specialized in selling this porridge along for many side dishes that make it a complete meal.  Last Summer, I was trying out one of these shop in Singapore.  Along with the porridge it has over 40-50 side dishes to to go with the main dish.  I tried to duplicate a couple of my favorite dishes at home, and they came out pretty good.

1 cup of white rice
1 large sweet potato of your choice (optional)
8 cup of water

1.  Peel sweet potato and cut into large cubes.
2.  Rinse rice 2 times and add it to a large pot.
3.  In a large pot, add in rice and water and bring it to a boil.
4.  Reduce to medium heat and add in the sweet potato.
5.  Continue to cook for another hour until it reach an oatmeal like consistency.  Serve hot.

1.  Remember to stir from time to time to prevent burning at the bottom.  
2.  Leave a small air gap to prevent from spilling over.

Recommended Side Dishes:
Minced Sundried Shrimp

Taro Coconut Tapioca Pudding

Summer is the best season for taro.  It's a root vegetable native to Southeast Asia.  It is starchy similar to potatoes and yams and is commonly used to make all kinds of Asian desserts, cakes, as well as savory dishes, e.g. curry. Today, I used it to make Taro Coconut Tapioca Pudding specially for a friend who loves this dessert.

1 small Taro (approx 2 lbs)
8 cups of water
1/4 cups of small Tapioca pearls
2 teaspoon of gelatin powder (optional)
1-1/2 cup of water
1 can of coconut milk (13 oz)

1.  Soak the tapioca pearls with 1 cup of water.
2.  Soak gelatin with 1/4 cup water.
3.  Peel taro and cut into small dices.
4.  Add taro into a large pot with 8 cups of water.  Boil on high until soft, approximately 20 minutes.  Then blend it smooth with a hand blender directly in the pot, or blend it in a regular blender / food processor.
5.  Drain the water from the tapioca and add it to the taro soup.  When the tapioca turns transparent, add in sugar.  Stir continuously until sugar is dissolved.
6.  Stir in gelatin into the soup until dissolved, and turn heat off.
7.  Stir in coconut milk.  Serves hot or cold.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


After working in the garden all morning, it's time for lunch but not sure what to eat.  Looking into the fridge, found some leftover rice, corn on the cob, and some ham.  So, I decided to make one of my favorite Japanese dish, Omurice.  It means omelette wrapped fried rice.


3 eggs
1 cup of steamed rice
1/2 cup of corn
1/4 cup of diced onion
1/4 cup of diced ham
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
1/4 cup of ketchup
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of cornstarch
2 tablespoon of water
4 tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil (divided in half)


1.  Heat up a medium saute pan with 2 tablespoon of oil.  Add in the onion and saute for 1 minute and then add in the ham, corn, and garlic.  Continue to saute until the onion is soft and fragrant.  

2.  Add the rice to the mix in the pans and continue to stir until everything is cooked through. Create a center in the pan and add in the ketchup.  After the ketchup has been heat up, then mixed everything together in the pan.  Season with 1/2 teaspoon of salt if needed.  Put the rice in a large plate and set aside.

3.  Beat 3 eggs with cornstarch and water (first mix the cornstarch with water).  Heat up a medium saute pan with the remaining oil (2 tablespoon), then add in the beaten egg mixed.  Continue to stir the eggs similar to making scramble eggs.  When its done, simply lay it over the rice.  Garnished with some toasted seaweed.

Omurice can be made in any shape or form.  Use your imagination to create the way you or your kids would like.
Smiley Omurice

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

7+ of Fruits and Vegetables in a Glass

Dietitians recommend a minimum of 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day to keep the doctors away.  One portion is equivalent to 1 cup.  If we can eat more fruits and vegetables, the better off we are.

However, I just can't imagine myself eating 5 cups of vegetables a day, let alone more.  I will be too full for anything else.  Therefore, the best and easiest way to consume them is to either blend or juice them.  I like to do the juice in the morning.  It's refreshing and wakes me up way better than a cup of coffee.  Spring and Summer are the perfect seasons to do so with the wide varieties of fruits and vegetables available.

1 cup of carrot
1 cup of cucumber
1 cup of bell pepper
1 cup of celery
1 cup of apple
1 cup of orange
1 cup of watermelon
1 cup of strawberries

Put all ingredients one by one into the tube of a cold press juicer.  If you would want to keep some fibers from the fruits and vegetables, simply put some of the pulps back into the juice.  Stir well and serve immediately.

You can use any fruits and vegetables that you like, e.g. peach, pair, plum, berries, melons, chard, kale, spinach,  etc.